Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Fault in our Stars nails!

About a month ago I read "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green, after my friends recommending it for ages and ages. I've read another book by John Green, "Looking for Alaska" and loved that one so I figured that TFioS should be just as awesome. I was right. TFioS is probably the saddest book I've ever read, I was crying all through the second half. But it's SO good! I finished it in two days because I couldn't put it down. :P I seriously recommend you all go and read it (but don't blame me for any emotional damage it may cause).

I based my nails on the book cover and a quote from the book. The inspiration for this design came from a poster design on tumblr, but I don't know who originally came up with it (sorry!).

This is also my first Franken polish (I think that's what they're called). I didn't have a blue that was the right shade for the base, so I mixed some Max Factor "Candy Blue", Rimmel "Aqua Cool", Barry M "White" and some clear polish into an empty polish bottle. I didn't really measure how much of each colour I was putting in, I just added them until I got a shade that I liked. I'm actually really happy with how it came out, even if it is a little sheer. This is two coats of my polish. Then, I added details in with Barry M's "Black" and "White" using a thin paintbrush.

Have any of you read The Fault in our Stars? Are you planning to? Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Flocked nails!

The Nailasaurus is probably my biggest inspiration in the nail blogging world. Ever since I stumbled across her posts I've been hooked, so when I saw she tried velvet nails I thought, "Why not?".

Mine didn't turn out half as elegant as Sammy's, they kinda look like fluffy red tennis balls. I added a line of gold glitter to the ring finger to jazz things up a bit. I used a base of Barry M's "Bright Red" then applied clear polish one nail at a time. Whilst wet, I picked up some flock with a pair of tweezers and dropped chucks onto the nail. Then, I pressed down the flock and knocked off the excess with a fan brush.

Even if I'm not too happy with how these look, they're still fun to wear. At the minute, my friends all love stroking my nails because they're so fuzzy! But having people stroke your nails is the weirdest feeling...

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Children in Need nails!

These are technically a day late, because Children in Need was yesterday, but oh well. :P
If you don't know, Children in Need are a charity from the UK who hold a television event once a year to raise money for children and young people who are less fortunate. With this money, they aim to provide every child in the UK with a life which is safe, happy and secure whilst giving them opportunity to reach their goals.

The charity's mascot is Pudsey Bear, a giant yellow bear with a spotty eye patch. He's who my nails are inspired by.

 He's so adorable! To do these, I started with a base of Barry M's "White" then added details in with a small paint brush and Barry M's "Yellow", "Black", "Spring Green" and "Bright Red", Rimmel's "Aqua Blue", and finally Nails Inc's "Atomic".

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Rainbow nails!

It's been ages since my last post... again. Sorry! :( I would say that I have reasons, but honestly I'm just kinda lazy. And when I have to choose between doing homework and writing a blog post, I'm not sure my teachers would appreciate if I chose to do the blog post instead. :P

Recently, I've been lacking in inspiration for designs. I think it's mostly because I just want to do Christmas designs but it's still slightly too early for them. Anyway, whenever I'm stuck for ideas I tend to just throw a bunch of colours around and go kinda crazy. And so, these rainbow nails were born!

They aren't the neatest lines, but I think that makes it look even more fun. The colours I used were; Barry M's "Bright Red, Nail Inc's "Atomic", Barry M's "Yellow", Barry M's "Spring Green", Max Factor's "Candy Blue", Barry M's "Indigo" and finally Rimmel's "Ultra Violet". All of these were over a base of Barry M's "White".

Hopefully I can get into a habit of blogging more regularly but it all depends on school work... sorry guys. :( Also, on a side note, are there any qualified nail technicians out there? I've been looking into doing some proper nail courses and it would be great to get some advice. :)